Beli Emas

Emas adalah Aset yang mampu dimiliki sedikit demi sedikit bersesuaian dengan lebihan wang yang anda ada. Nilainya amat stabil dan sentiasa meningkat dalam jangka panjang berbanding dengan wang tunai. Kestabilan kehidupan anda dimasa hadapan akan lebih terjamin apabila anda mengumpulnya bermula dari sekarang.

Sabtu, 9 Disember 2017

December Menghantui Harga Emas!!!!!

Nampaknya Harga Emas bulan December ini Semakin Menurun. Ia berlaku bukan saja bulan December tahun ini malah ia berlaku pada Setiap Bulan December tahun2 sebelumnya.
Jadi, Bulan ini adalah Bulan yang paling baik Untuk Beli dan Menambahkan Simpanan Emas kita. Ayuh....Bro...
Saya telah membuat sedikit research berkenaan pergerakan harga Emas setiap bulan December dan petik kajian dari
Michael J. Kosares
Founder: USAGOLD
Author: The ABCs of Gold Investing –
adalah seperti dibawah :-
On the ghosts of Decembers past
December, as it turns out, has been a humbug month for gold the past four years. In each of those years (2013 through 2016) December began poorly, but appropriately by Christmas-time things began to look brighter. By the end of January in the following year, the star over the gold market shone still more brightly. . .
–– On December 1, 2013 gold finished the day at $1220 per ounce. The low for the month came on the 19th at $1188, but by January 31, 2014, it traded at $1244 – up 4.7% from the December low.
–– On December 1, 2014 gold finished the day at $1212 per ounce. The low for the month came on the 24th at $1174, but by January 30, 2015, it traded at $1283 – up 9.3% from the December low.
–– On December 1, 2015 gold finished the day at $1069 per ounce. The low for the month came on the 17th at $1051, but by January 31, 2016, it traded at $1118 – up 6.4% from the December low.
–– On December 1, 2016 gold finished the day at $1171 per ounce. The low for the month came on the 22nd at $1128, but by January 31, 2017, it traded at $1210 – up 7.3% from the December low.
So the lesson imparted is to buy in December and enjoy the holidays. January is the start to a wholly new year.

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